Tuesday, January 23, 2024

In Detroit a joyous display,
As the Lions played in the playoffs today.
Fans all gathered in glee,
At Ford Field they would be,
With hopes that victory would come their way.

For those without tickets in hand,
A tailgate in Eastern Market was grand.
Shops and restaurants galore,
A neighborhood to explore,
Pre-game festivities throughout the land.

Amongst the crowd, Crackman was seen,
A loyal Lions fan, wise and keen.
With memories of his father,
Who watched games together,
Their devotion to the team, evergreen.

Sixty years of wins and defeats,
But their faith never faltered or retreated.
Though losses were often found,
In spirit, they were crowned,
For hope and excitement they’d always meet.

On this special day, Crackman wore,
A necklace his father’s memory bore.
A photo of his dad,
Always there to be had,
Supporting the team they both adore.

Oh, Detroit, it's a money day,
As the Lions' playoff run comes into play.
Businesses booming with cheer,
As the team draws near,
In this sports-crazed city, it's time to celebrate!

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