Sunday, January 21, 2024

In the glitz and glamour of TV fame,
A tutu caught the spotlight's flaming blaze.
The tutu donned by Sarah Jessica's frame,
A symbol of style, soaring far ablaze.

With layers of white tulle, floating light,
It danced along with strappy heels and grace,
As Carrie Bradshaw took center stage, bright,
In opening credits, a fashion chase.

Its fame then caught the public's eager eye,
Auctioned off with hopes of high acclaim,
Expected far from fortune's lofty sky,
Yet soared with awe-inspiring gold supreme.

Oh, tulle tutu, a darling in your time,
A bargain bin discovery, so dear,
Patricia Field's genius, truly prime,
To dress a fashion icon without peer.

For Carrie Bradshaw, trends you did set,
Manolo Blahnik pumps and baguettes so fine,
Your runway looks in Vogue's gloss have met,
And influenced fashion's illustrious line.

Valentino and Dior did follow suit,
With tulle frocks in their grand collections,
Jennifer Lawrence and Bella Hadid, cute,
Adorned in glamour, defying conventions.

Replicas and knock-offs, they abound,
From charity auctions to Halloween's fright,
Drag queens twirl, your beauty they have found,
In fleeting moments of dazzling delight.

In the movies and shows, you've made your mark,
From the silver screen to the TV screen,
Carrie kept you, a cherished work of art,
A symbol of her style, forever seen.

Black and billowy, a reinvented bliss,
A Carolina Herrera gown, a dream,
Oh, tutu, how you've brought us endless bliss,
In fashion's realm, a true, iconic theme.

So let us celebrate your enduring charm,
A tutu that holds memories divine,
Inspiring hearts, from runway to farm,
Forever in our fashion souls, you shine.

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