Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Oh, are we at the beginning, do you say?
A new cold war, brewing in the air?
Tensions rising, fears unfolding, day by day.

The echoes of the past, they come to play,
Distant memories of a world unfair.
Oh, are we at the beginning, do you say?

Geopolitical chess, a game to portray,
Pawns and kings maneuver with great care,
Tensions rising, fears unfolding, day by day.

East and West, their ideologies in sway,
Each side claiming righteousness, beyond compare.
Oh, are we at the beginning, do you say?

A web of alliances, in disarray,
As fragile as a spider's silken snare.
Tensions rising, fears unfolding, day by day.

But let us not surrender to dismay,
Let wisdom guide us, with our hearts aware.
Oh, are we at the beginning, do you say?
Tensions rising, fears unfolding, day by day.

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