Wednesday, April 24, 2024

There once was a player named Tom,
Whose coaching ambitions were aplomb.
Elton's call made him gleam,
With managing Watford his dream,
He's in for a challenging yet fulfilling romp.

In the Championship he's making his way,
Guiding Watford, come what may.
With one win to his name,
And a path to fame,
Cleverley hopes his impact will stay.

He loves the nitty-gritty, the game's sweet chess,
Working towards success through all the mess.
Not fretting over Man U's plight,
Focused on his current fight,
Tom's coaching style? A balance of care and finesse.

With self-belief and vision, he leads the charge,
In this new era where fear is not too large.
Tom's style is about aiding,
Not just commanding and berating,
For Watford's sake, let's hope he's in charge!

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