Friday, February 9, 2024

In the realm of parenting, a shift has occurred,
Where involvement persists, not merely assured.
No longer confined to childhood's embrace,
Parents extend their reach, seeking a place.

The snowplow labeled, clearing life's path,
Clearing obstacles with vigorous wrath.
Their efforts deemed harmful, a misguided route,
But a nuanced tale, these surveys dispute.

From Pew Research Center, insights emerge,
Revealing a bond, resilient and surge.
Young adults, aged 18 to 34,
Find their parents' presence, a comforting shore.

Texts exchanged in numbers, several a week,
Advice bestowed, financial support, not bleak.
With healthy relationships, love is proclaimed,
Nine in ten parents attest, they're not maimed.

Eight in ten young adults, content and at peace,
With parents closely guiding, a sense of release.
Proud and hopeful, the parents proclaim,
No worry, no disappointment, in this newfound aim.

American parenting has evolved its plot,
From childhood's threshold, it does not allot.
It spans into adulthood, a lifelong tether,
A bond unbreakable, connecting them thither.

So let the critics falter, let them belittle,
For what they may perceive as a parental fiddle,
In this tapestry of love, woven through time,
Parents stand steadfast, an unyielding prime.

For in the realm of parenting, a shift has occurred,
Where involvement persists, not merely assured.
And though skeptics may prod, and critics may bemoan,
The bond between parents and children has grown.

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