Saturday, October 19, 2024

In the shadow of the morning, headlines scream so bold,
Reeves whispers of frozen tax thresholds we're told.
While Liam's fate brings Cheryl's heart to mourn,
Papers flutter, stories unfold, life's tales adorned.

A freeze on tax, a burden to bear, they say,
2028 looms ahead, financial dismay.
Cheryl's heartache dances in the news,
Liam's loss, a tale of heartstrings, they muse.

In the world of papers where stories collide,
Reeves' financial foresight and Cheryl's tears do bide.
Tax thresholds and heartaches, ink spills the news,
As the morning sun rises, the media queues.

With each turn of the page, a new tale to unfold,
Reeves' plans for taxes and heartbreak so bold.
Cheryl's tears mix with ink on the sheets,
A world of stories where reality meets.

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