Tuesday, October 1, 2024

In shadows lurked Tim Pearson, Adams' right hand,
With secrets deep in city's murky land,
Migrant shelters, contracts, a corrupt demand,
Now investigations force him to disband.

His ties to power, a web so well-spun,
But now the truth reveals what he has done,
In Mayor Adams' circle, he had won,
Yet corruption beneath the shining sun.

Oh, Tim Pearson, advisor turned to dust,
Influence wielded, now crumbles with trust,
Amid the chaos, scandals, he is thrust,
As city's heartache leaves him in the dust.

Farewell to Pearson, once held in high regard,
Now tarnished reputation, deeply scarred,
In Adams' realm, corruption stands unbarred,
As investigations leave a city jarred.

Read the story