Monday, June 10, 2024

In nursery rhymes of kindness, he will shine,
A story spun with care, so genuine,
James Norton, with his voice, will intertwine,
Bedtime tales for children, so divine.

Through twinkling stars, his words will softly flow,
A tale of managing the mammoth's show,
Type 1 diabetes, a foe to know,
Yet with grace and poise, he'll let it go.

In cozy corners, books and dreams collide,
A hero's whisper fighting by their side,
As Norton's soothing voice becomes their guide,
Into the night, where fears and worries hide.

So let the children gather, snug and tight,
As James unfolds the story of the night,
Of mammoths, diabetes, shining bright,
His voice, a lullaby, a gentle light.

Read the story